Nothing like going out of the country and then falling under the weather. I barely left the bed on Saturday. :-(
The day before, I had mentioned to a few classmates how I wanted to participate in the #NeverAgain protest on Saturday from Italy. I was going to take a picture of myself with a sign and post it on social media.
After plying me with well wishes, a plethora of medication options, and demands to rest and drink water, the rest of the team went to Modena.
In the middle of the day, I got a text from one of my amazing classmates with this picture.
Now, I cry all the time. I'm a sensitive person. I own this. And this brought me to tears for multiple reasons.
I had only mentioned my desire to participate in the protest once, in passing, during a larger conversation. Yet it was remembered.
These teens organized a protest to support another protest organized by teens. The future has a silver lining.
The protest in Modena reportedly had about 100 people. Amazing.
I wasn't there to see it.